Not to flex on myself (actually yes to flex on myself because that’s the whole point) but I wrote the copy for three of Bumble’s websites because I’m a baddie idk. And yes that means ALL the copy. All the FAQs, the things that pop up when you don’t put in a valid email address, ALL OF IT. And I made it all as silly and fun as I could get away with.

As Bumble’s resident Gen Z writer (yes this is what I was known for you can literally ask) of course I wrote the copy for our BFF page.

I also did our Success Story website, obviouslyyyyy.

And then yes of course, once again as the resident Gen Z baddie, I wrote our Honey website (with so many FAQs that I am literally the FAQ master).

BFF Site

Copy Lead: Caitlin Snider

Designer: James Hannaford

Success Stories Site

Copy Lead: Jenna Morrissey

Designer: James Hannaford

Honey Site

Copywriter: Logan Longoria & Kasey Brown

Copy Lead: Courtney Arnold

Designer: Ave Grimshaw